CSU Recommends Integrating Cal Maritime and Cal Poly at San Luis Obispo

The California State University (CSU) has announced a recommendation to integrate California State University Maritime Academy and California Polytechnic State University, San Luis Obispo, and preserve Cal Maritime’s nearly 100-year history and reputation as a vital maritime institution.  

CSU Executive Vice Chancellor and Chief Financial Officer Steve Relyea and Deputy Vice Chancellor of Academic and Student Affairs and Chief Academic Officer Nathan Evans made the recommendation to Chancellor Mildred García, explaining that bold and decisive action is necessary to address growing financial challenges and enrollment declines at Cal Maritime that have undermined its viability as a standalone institution.   

“The integration of Cal Maritime and Cal Poly will benefit the students, faculty and staff of both institutions, as well as advance the broader mission of the CSU system by enhancing the quality, diversity and sustainability of the CSU’s academic programs and services statewide,” said Relyea and Evans. “In addition, it will serve industry and workforce needs of the state of California and of the nation while also supporting U.S. economic and national security interests. We are confident in our recommendation.”